Thursday, September 30, 2010
A little late but not forgotten
I know I've been missing for a couple of weeks.... No let me stop the BS I've been missing for the last two months. God how time flies when you having fun.. Yeah right I just wanted to say SORRY I've lost my way but now I found my way back home. I have no excuse for not taken care of my baby (BLOG), I would love to say that I was out traveling the world or have some whirlwind Romance but NOPE only that I've moved and got cought up on BULLSHIT... But I am back, within the next couple of days (weeks) I'll be updating the site and writing about the wonderful books I've read during the summer weeks I went missing. And all the books I have plan to read in the next coming months. Until next time I WISH YOU GOOD READS!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Savor The Moment
Savor The Moment
The 3rd in the
The Quartet Series
Wedding baker Laurel McBane is surrounded by romance working at Vows wedding planning company with her best friends Parker, Emma, and Mac. But she's too low-key to appreciate all the luxuries that their clients seem to long for. What she does appreciate is a strong, intelligent man, a man just like Parker's older brother Delaney, on whom she's had a mega-crush since childhood..
But some infatuations last longer than others, and Laurel is convinced that the Ivy League lawyer is still out of her reach. Plus, Del is too protective of Laurel to ever cross the line with her-or so she thinks. When Laurel's quicksilver moods get the better of her-leading to an angry, hot, all-together mind-blowing kiss with Del-she'll have to quiet the doubts in her mind to turn a moment of passion into forever...
Sin Review:
Everyone at some in time in their lives has read a Nora Roberts Novel, I mean come on she is the Romance writing queen. This lady dishes out books like HOT CAKES I only wish I had half and time and talent as her when it comes to writing. So Savor The Moment is the 3rd book in the Quartet series which is based on four friends who open up a wedding planning business called Vows which is such a cute concept. This book was a wonderful in between book it was funny and charming and you can't help but falling in love with all the characters.
If you follow this blog you would know I love my paranormal books which can include anything from vampire, werwolf', dragons, witch's etc.. but sometime I just need to pick up something nice and smooth, easy to read that is also funny and that has true romance with real life issues. One can only relate with the characters in the book and feel as if you know them personalty.
I give this book 4 stars!
Nora keep up the good work.
Bullet The 19th installments of The
Anita Blake Series
My name is Anita Blake and I am back in St Louis and trying to live a normal life - as normal as possible for someone who is a legal vampire executioner and a US Marshal. I have my lovers, my friends and their children, school programmes to attend. In the midst of all this ordinary happiness a vampire from my past reaches out. She was supposed to be dead, killed in an explosion, but the Mother of All Darkness is the first vampire, the dark creator, and it's hard to kill a god. She has reached out to me here - in St Louis, home of everyone I love most. She has decided she has to act now or never, to control me, and all the vampires in America.
The Mother of All Darkness believes that the triumvirate created by master vampire Jean-Claude with me and the werewolf Richard Zeeman has enough power for her to regain a body and to emigrate to the New World. But the body she wants to possess is already taken; I'm about to learn a whole new meaning to sharing my body, one that has nothing to do with the bedroom. And if the Mother of All Darkness can't succeed in taking over my body for herself, she means to see that no one else has the use of it, ever again. Even Belle Morte, not always a friend to me, has sent word: 'Run if you can …'
Sin Review:
So I finally got around to reading the latest book in the Anita Blake series. I was anticipating the release of Bullet but was also reluctant to read it hence why it took me more than a month to get to it. The book was good but not great like the others in this series. I found my self lost on a couple of ocassions like I had skipped chapters or an entire book. I had to go back forth between books which FYI Bullet really follow SKIN TRADE and not FLIRT which just confused the shit out of me. On top of all that this book was more SEX then anything else. It lacked the action and the fighting scenes that we associate so much with Anita character. NOW don't get me wrong I am all for KNOCKING THE BOOTS but when you have 356 pages and about 200 is about them having sex it gets kinda repetitive even though it's not with the same people or gender. I am for all for romance books but like a guy I need some action in between and this book really didn't give it to me.
To my followers who aren't many I ask you this of you if you have read this book PLEASE let me know you think of it.
I give this Book 3 stars.
Sorry Laurell maybe the next book will be better.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Darkest Lie
The Darkest Lie
Lords Of The Underworld Series
Forced to his knees in agony whenever he speaks the truth, Gideon can recognize any lie—until he captures Scarlet, a demon-possessed immortal who claims to be his long-lost wife. He doesn’t remember the beautiful female, much less wedding — or bedding — her. But he wants to . . . almost as much as he wants her.
But Scarlet is keeper of Nightmares, too dangerous to roam free, and a future with her means risking everything. Especially as Gideon’s enemies draw closer . . . and the truth threatens to destroy all he’s come to love . . .
Man Gena Showalter keeps dishing out these books like HOT CAKES! well I can't blame her they are the BOMB.. But the one book I am waiting for and hope it's the next she is writing is Paris story. I can't wait until it's his turn to find love. Even though I have kind neglected my reading for the past two weeks and haven't even read The Darkest Passion yet I will be doing it this weekend because come June 26, 2010 I will be picking this book up.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Moon Sworn
Moon Sworn
The 9th book in
The Riley Jenson Guardian Series.
Some nights never end.
Some desires never die. . . .
She ventures where no one else dares—into realms of peril and pleasure. But will this next journey be her last?
Shape-shifting werewolf and vampire Riley Jenson is through with death–causing it, solving it, surviving it. Her soul mate, Kye Murphy, is dead–and at Riley’s own hands. Not even the seductive embrace of her vampire lover, Quinn, can fully ease her mind, for she has begun questioning everything that makes her Riley–including her job at the Directorate.
Now, the ritualistically slain bodies of ex-cons have started turning up. Reluctantly, Riley takes the case, but something even worse is waiting in the wings. For a vicious enemy from her past is determined to strip Riley of everything that gives her life any meaning: her lover, her brother–and even her own identity. Can Riley survive this ultimate assault? All she knows is, she must fight one last time to find answers, before everything goes dark forever…
I am such a GEEK! I am an undercover Romance Junkie and not just any romance book would do it for me. I like them to have it all from fight scene to getting hot and dirty (more than once). I may sound crazy but it sucks to read a 300 plus page book where the main characters are fighting with each other, you knowing there are going to end up in bed. So why not start the dirty scene from the beginning ?. That is what Keri Arthur has done with these novels, Riley is a sensible woman who gets trapped (and there is no other saying it) into this crazy out of this world trouble and she does it looking sexy and doing what she wants and who she wants when she wants.
I picked up this series about two years ago, I was browsing through the BN website looking for my next series. I couldn't find something that caught my attention and by the stroke of luck my computer got stuck on the second book in the series Kissing Sin. Well of course I had to look at what the book was about. I was hooked I must of read the first six books within a week, Now the series is at its end....
According to Keri this will be the 9th and final installment in the Riley Jenson series. I hope you take the time and browse her site and read the synopsis to the series and enjoy it as much as I have.
Riley, It's been a BLAST!.
Demonica Overkill
Demonica Overkill
Larissa Ione has been working her little fingers off latley she has just completed another book. I was being noisy and was going through her website looking for something juice to read I found this. Apparently she has been working on little short stories about what happens with the charicters once the book is done. Here is some information she has posted on her site. I would have copied and pasted it but one- it's long as hell and second- I don't want to get in trouble. So I took just enough to entice you, Go on her site and click on her books when you scroll down look for free story and see what she has written about Wraith and Serena. If you haven't read Passion Unleashed This will spoil the book for you.
The next thing she knew, she was yanked inside the stairwell, slammed against the wall, and Wraith’s hands were tearing at her jeans. She strained against him, giving as good as she got to rip open his fly. When she wrapped her palm around his shaft, he let out an erotic growl low in his throat, a sound that always made her go utterly wet.
In five seconds flat, her pants were off and Wraith’s sex was poised at her entrance. He tangled one hand in her hair to hold her for his kiss, dropped his other hand to lift her thigh so her core was firmly against him.
“Now,” she murmured against his lips, but damn him, he merely rotated his hips, grinding against her so her pelvis was chasing him for just the right pressure. The right touch.
He was teasing her, but she had a trick up her sleeve. Lifting her face, she flicked out her tongue and ran it up and down one of his fangs. He hissed deep in his throat, but he didn’t move. The action always had the effect of soothing the savage beast, and whenever she touched those massive teeth, he stilled, began to pant, and she would take the upper hand.
Oh, how she loved that power......
If you liked what you just read check out her site.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Historical Romance / Sin Review
Stranger In My Arms
Histrocial Romance
"Lady Hawksworth, your husband is not dead."
With those words, Lara's life turned upside down. Hunter, Earl of Hawksworth, had been lost at sea. Or so she'd been told. Their unhappy marriage—with its cold caresses and passionless kisses—was over. But now a powerful, virile man stood before her, telling secrets only a husband could know, and vowing she would once again be his wife in every way. While Lara couldn't deny that this man with smoldering dark eyes resembled Hunter, he was attentive and loving in ways he never was before. Soon she desperately wanted to believe, with every beat of her heart, that this stranger was truly her husband. But had this rake reformed—or was Lara being seduced by a cunning stranger?
I have been stuck on Histroical Romance for some time now, I've been reading Lisa Kleypas books. The synopsis for this book looks sounds awasome but I have to say that after reading the book I am very disapointed. This book DRAGED OUT! I got so mad at the charcter that I wanted to slap her. To make things wrost only the last 15 to 20 pages where the only ones that was interesting. I have enjoyed all her other books so i wont hold this one agaisnt her but this book was not one of her better ones.
Sin Review......
I give this book
She also has a new book coming out May 25, 2010
Married By Morning
A Hathaway Series
For two years, Catherine Marks has been a paid companion to the Hathaway sisters-a pleasant position, with one caveat. Her charges' older brother, Leo Hathaway, is thoroughly exasperating. Cat can hardly believe that their constant arguing could mask a mutual attraction. But when one quarrel ends in a sudden kiss, Cat is shocked at her powerful response-and even more so when Leo proposes a dangerous liaison.
Leo must marry and produce an heir within a year to save his family home. Catherine's respectable demeanor hides a secret that would utterly destroy her. But to Leo, Cat is intriguing and infernally tempting, even to a man resolved never to love again. The danger Cat tried to outrun is about to separate them forever-unless two wary lovers can find a way to banish the shadows and give in to their desires...
Just Came Out
Stealing Kathryn
2nd in The Gatherers Series
Sandman. Angus. Morpheus. He is known by many names, except his true one, Adrian. When he departs his world, it is to enter the sacred space of sleep, and he is not there to sow sweet dreams. Adrian's mission is to reap the dark energy of nightmares, work that has twisted his soul as well as his once-handsome face. Now, he lives only to await the day darkness finally overcomes him...and to collect exquisite reminders of what he's lost...
But there is one treasure that stands apart. Having risked everything to obtain her, Adrian soon realizes his mistake. For Kathryn has a wholly unexpected power over him, not only for what she represents, but for what for she is: a soul with desires as strong as his own, tempered by compassion that could save Adrian from his self-made hell-or condemn them both...
This is a series that I read in between my regular series, Jacquelyn Franks creates such intricate world that would blow your mind away. Her character face real today dilemma with such a twist. I have read all of her Novels and this is one that I find myself waiting to read and see what new charter she has come up with.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sin's Review
A Guild Hunter Series
By Nalini Singh
These Books are a MUST READ! If your into Vampires and Angles these are the books for you. In the first book Angles' Blood we meet Elena (human) and the sexy Raphael (archangel).
In Angles' Blood
Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux knows she is the best-but she does not know if even she is good enough for this job. Hired by the dangerously beautiful archangel Raphael, a being so lethal that no mortal wants his attention, Elena knows failure is not an option-even if the task is impossible.
Because this time, it's not a wayward vamp she has to track. It's an archangel gone bad.
The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other-and pull her to the razor's edge of passion. Even if the hunt does not destroy her, Succumbing to Raphael's Seductive touch just might. For when archangels play, mortals break......
In Archangels Kiss
I can't give to much information because it will defeat the propose of reading part one. The story still continue with Elena and Raphael and all the character from the first book and more. Talk about Sexy man with wings! ummm. These books are a must buy and not one you borrow from the library because once your done reading your would want to read it again.
Sin's Review: I give this series a
Weekend Recommendations.
Savor the Moment
The 3rd in the Quartet Series
I haven't read this book since it just came out about a week ago, but I have been reading her series for a while I love Nora, she introduced me to Romance Novels and from there I went into paranormals.
Just to give you a little something about the series it involves four women who have been best friend since they where little. They opened a business in the wedding industry one is a photograper, one does the catering, one is the florist and the 4th is the manger. Now in each book you will see them fine their true love which-is very romantic. It's a good book to read over the weekend so thats why I am heading to the library tomorrow to pick it up HOPEFULLY they have it already.
Monday, May 10, 2010
The Darkest Passion
The Darkest Passion
Lord Of The Underworld
For weeks, the immortal warrior Aeron has sensed an invisible female presence. An angel—demon-assassin—has been sent to kill him. Or has she? Olivia claims she fell from the heavens, giving up immortality because she couldn't bear to harm him. But trusting—and falling for—Olivia will endanger them all. So how has this "mortal" with the huge blue eyes already unleashed Aeron's darkest passion?
Now, with an enemy hot on his trail and his faithful demon companion determined to remove Olivia from his life, Aeron is trapped between duty and consuming desire. Worse still, a new executioner has been sent to do the job Olivia wouldn't….
This is the 8th book in the Lord Of The Underworld Comming soon May 25, 2010. I can't wait to read it, I have read all of Gena Showalters books except for the young adult books which she has just started. I enjoy the way she writes and the charcters are HOT HOT HOT.
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Vampire And The Virgin
The Vampire And The Virgin
Love At Stake Book 8
FBI psychologist Olivia Sotiris is looking for a cool ocean breeze, sand between her toes, and a break from her crazy, and sometimes dangerous, life. But when she escapes to the Greek island of Patmos, all she gets is a meddling grandmother trying to marry her off. None of the men there interest her—except a mysterious Scotsman named Robby MacKay.
Robby needs to cool off, too, since all he can think about is revenge on the Malcontent bloodsuckers who once held him captive. But then he meets Olivia, the beauty with wild curls and a tempting smile. When a deadly criminal from one of her cases back home tracks her down, Robby will have to save her life, along with giving her a first time she’ll never forget …
As of today I will posting my comments on the books I've read and also rating them in star from 1 though 5. One stars means "this was a waste of my time" and 5 stars means "OHHHH this book was awesome, It's a keeper". If you have read it please feel free to rate it your self and let me know what you think. Was I right or was I not giving the author enough credit?.
So here is my critic the book was good but I must say could of been better. For those of you who have been keeping up with the serie you know that in the last book our friend Robby had a run in with the Malcontent and it wasn't good a good one. I would have expected more fighting and more revenge but in the end the book was mostly kinda of mushy. So I give it
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Today I am going to do the mushy stuff and I must confess I am not the one to bear my heart in the open but I will do so today and this will be the first and last time (promise). When I started this blog I had everything envisioned but as time passed by I found myself disappointed in thinking that because I wasn't getting any hits unless they came from my friends that my blog was a failure. But as I looked at other blogs (Vamps R US) and did research I've notice that a person shouldn't blog to get attention, well at least that shouldn't be the main reason, but to do it because you have dedicated your time and passion for what you love. So from now on I will do it because one of my many passions is reading and talking about my books. I have a new book from a series that I am following by Kerrelyn Sparks which I will be posting on my blog tomorrow.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Immortals After Dark Series
Kresley Cole
Today I find my self mourning the lost of a series that I have been faithful to since the beginning. Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark has broken my heart, with the latest installment PLEASURE OF A DARK PRINCE. I have had this book in my passion for over two weeks and have tired numerous times in reading it. I can't seem to be able to get into it, I haven't even gotten over the first chapter. The last book KISS OF THE DEMON KING took me longer than usual to finish but I brushed it off as "I had lot going on at the time" but as I see now it wasn't me. As I bow my head and give thanks for a wonderful ride. Kresley I wish you the best with this series and may you have many more success in your career.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hotter After Midnight
The Midnight Trilogy
Dr. Emily Drake’s patients tend to be a little unusual. Instead of the typical therapist’s caseload of midlife crises and mother fixations, Emily treats vampires with blood phobias and sex-demons looking for meaningful relationships. But her gift for recognizing and healing the Other—those creatures of the night that most humans don’t even know exist—requires a few house rules. First: Never trust a shifter. Especially not one like Detective Colin Gyth whose gold-flecked eyes and predatory air make Emily realize how much she’s been longing to lose control…
Colin can’t believe the doctor he’s been assigned to work with on the Night Butcher murder investigation is the one person who could expose his true identity as a wolf shifter. Smart, sexy, and stubborn as hell, Emily brings out the alpha male in Colin, unleashing a wild, heady desire that takes them both over the edge. But in the shadows, the Night Butcher waits…eager to spill Emily’s blood and taste her terror. And he’ll use any means to destroy her, including the one person she has grown to trust…
The critics stated that this was a cross between CSI and Medium, This series is highly sexual and dangerous and I must agree even thought Cynthia Eden is not a renowned known writer like Sherrilyn Kenyon or J. R. Ward I must say that with the first instalment of this trilogy she had me. This is a book you buy and not borrow from a library for those rainy days that you want to stay home and read.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

(The 2nd book in the Fallen Angels series)
A novel by
The battle between good and evil has left the future of humanity in the hands of a reluctant savior and his band of fallen angels. Seven deadly sins that must be righted. Seven souls that must be saved.
While his first task was success, Jim Heron is battling a demon that can take any form for the soul of someone he must identify on his own. If that weren't enough, his old boss Matthias wants Jim to assassinate an AWOL member of The Firm - Isaac, the man Jim is pretty sure he is supposed to save. Jim knows first hand that once you're in The Firm, there's no getting out. But when Jim finds Isaac to warn him, he has been picked up by the police for illegal street fighting, and it is clear that Isaac is falling for his gorgeous public defender. Is their love the redemption that will save Isaac's soul? Or has the demon Devina set an elaborate trap?.
This book is scheduled to come out in October of 2010 CAN'T WAIT!
Friday, April 30, 2010
So I just finished reading Lover Mine by J.R. Ward it took me three days to finish all 512 pages. I was hook, I mean latterly HOOKED I was going to sleep at 2 and 3 in the morning to wake up at 6am to go to work but I couldn't seem to put it down. God I feel like I know these people personally. I can't wait until the 9th installment comes out. I wish J.R. Ward just wrote a little faster.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
So the book came out today and you know me I had to go get it, couldn't wait. The anticipation was killing me. I am up to page 21 and so far so good I wont give out any spoilers even though I am known for doing that every once in a while but I will hold my tongue just for you....... I am must say just got a new laptop mini and it's getting on my fucking nerve since I have to keep retyping and hitting the back space like it's going out of style. Good Reads.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Lover Mine
So tomorrow is the BIG DAY! LOVER OF MINE finally comes to our local book store.... Can't wait I'll be there on my lunch break.. Hope everyone enjoys.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Bullet #18 in the Anita Blake Series

Another book that I am anticipating the release, which is due to come out in June 1, 2009. I have to say this was my first series that I have read and was addicted to it from the first book, I stood up half the nights because I was unable to put them down. I love the way she writes and it's good to know that not ALL MEN are in power. Although I must say that Flirt was kind of a disappointment I am giving her the benefit of doubt and counting the days.

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